Zelda - Dissociate (Official Audio)

Every single day I feel this battle in my flesh. And honestly, it causes me a different type of stress. The reason why I’m smoking, feel them demons in my chest, And consciously I’m feeling like I don’t think like the rest. Because there’s parts of me so hard to see, don’t like it when they guess. Yes, all of my relations always messed.
— Zelda (Dissociate)

What’s good everyone? We back live from the upper atmosphere, this time hovering in a different type of headspace. The vibes up here come in form of Dissociate by Zelda, the latest single from this Spring Creek, NV lyricist. Another excellent addition to the 2021 run of singles that Zelda has been blessing her listeners with. With every record, revealing a little bit more of the perspective she’s gathered in the last 24 years on the third rock from the sun. It seems very appropriate or fitting to timing of Zelda’s releases as I go through my own life experiences. Often articulating thoughts I previously have not been able to word myself; it helps initiate necessary adjustments in my perception to cope with things outside of my own control. The vulnerability and openness that we are fortunate enough to experience, through Zelda’s music, provides a service.

The parallels drawn from what Zelda shares in her music to experiences of my own. Every time I tune it, I am bewildered on how her words feel like they are straight out of my own conscious. That level of self-awareness is a unique trait. However, the heavy substance is always packaged in a very organic, captivating fashion. The songs are easy to get lost in the vibe. If you were listening slow, the message might just go over your head with sheer haste. It’s not easy to bear the burden of spending significant periods of time feeling misunderstood. Especially when it’s the people that know you best, or at least you thought so. It could be family, life long friends, or significant others. Love in all forms brings up an array of physiological responses. This weighs heavy on one’s conscious and brings upon many questions of one’s own flaws. Being so tied up in various relationships and maintaining the harmonious balance of taking care of yourself with those around you can be a mishap. Especially when there is not a single soul around you who sees it like you do.

When you wake up everyday, with your heart set on always stepping with your best foot forward, it’s easy to find yourself on shaky ground on the terrain you share with others. Energies change and people trajectories of growth do not synchronize. The growing pains that come from time’s toll on an individual can be hard for all parties. One’s truth is not the “end all, be all” of your surroundings. Communication goes a long way but the way you see the glass dictates how often you are willing to drink from it. It’s hard to forget who you think these people are in your mind, just like their expectation of you is embedded in their minds. As one who tries not to be married to my own opinions, it’s easy to feel offended by people trying to tell me how I feel or what my actions are saying to them. The projections may be displaced upon you for not compromising on your own boundaries, no disrespect to theirs.

“Picture what you want but truly I know who I am. Lately had it backwards, I been swimming in the sand. Thinking back to certain people, why they reprimand me. Acting funny like they barely stand me."

For what I may have done to wander off from the common ground that we once shared, I don’t know. However, memories keep me reeled in. Those I cherish too much to accept that drifting apart is alright. Sometimes it’s easier to step away from my own ego, set the pride aside and trust that you’ll be fine if you are numb to it. Accepting from a distance and living with it is the only way you can cope when a crossing of paths just becomes another trail lost to the journey. Being right all the time isn’t right, which should be a two way understanding but that’s idealistic. Both parties won’t be able to step away from their own feelings and come to a true compromise. At some point of battling for fairness, or some sort of reciprocated mutualism of what it takes to water each other’s growth, gets too draining.

Allow them to place their expectations on to you and be the bigger person. This world is a lot bigger than pride and relying on connection with the people you have known in life. The truth is that our experience is shaped by the attitude we carry. When we pass on, our loved ones, belongings, achievements, and all the things we ever cared about will not retain. What we retain is energy, the energy we circulate in this life and what we accumulate in our life span is what we have to face. There is nothing external that can make you happy, not even people. So take a step outside your head, think about your wrongs and rights. Take note on what you can fix in your control, think about how you can cope with things outside your control. Your mind is not you and you are not your mind. We are energy, neither created nor destroyed. So we harbor and wield the frequencies that we exude with our words, thoughts, and beliefs.

“Sipping on my Hennessy and rolling up my janes. Don’t believe in make believe. Reality, okay? But shit not what it seems, I don’t pretend to fit the frame. They knew that what I was different, didn’t think that I was same.”

Regardless of how you may see it, how others take notice or not, its necessary to remove yourself from these cycles of disillusionment to “fake it till you make it.” Own your scars and show them off. Don’t be embarrassed to be honest about who you are and don’t take anything personal. Be flawless with your speech. Be forgiving of yourself. Be understanding of others for who they are. People come and go, let them migrate as they please. When they choose to be around, don’t over extend yourself. Do your best, if you can look back at the end of your day and say “I did not intentionally hurt someone” then you can find peace in that. It is good enough for you. Find a way to live with your truth, even if it doesn’t speak to no one else. Remember that you are only responsible for what you say, not what they understand.

Go support and follow Zelda on down below. Stay tuned for more gems, here on theweatherwatcher.com.

— the weather watcher 🌦🛰


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