Sequoyah Fox - “3.” EP (Official Audio)

Artist: Sequoyah Fox

Project: “3.” EP

Engineering/Production/Mixing & Mastering: For You Productions

Release Date: 10/30/2023

What’s good everyone? The forecast is back with more gems to share with the world. Not just your city, but the WORLD, Craig! If there’s one thing the you need to know about the Weather Watcher, is that we ain’t listening to the same thing as everyone else! It’s seldom something excites and inspires us in the current music world. When we do, it’s usually something that the masses do not know about. There’s talented people in the most lowkey places. This time around, let’s take it to Truckee, CA by way of Reno, NV with Sequoyah Fox and her latest release “3.”

The singer/songwriter has been sprinkling music during the year with two other preceding singles before the three track EP. She’s ending the year by releasing the music she has been working on during this time. After revealing some details on her social media, link at the bottom of page, we know that this is the first of multiple EPs from Sequoyah. With lyrics inspired from personal experience, places she traveled, and people she has come to know, Sequoyah has healing words for all walks of life. This project is the cup of tea you need when your spirit is feeling under the weather.

She has been on a promotional run coinciding with the project, producing content and alluding to more to come. She has been engaging with listeners and pushing the message. Most recently is an Open Verse Challenge to her unreleased record, Lifetimes, on her Instagram account. With a good amount of people jumping at the opportunity to get a chance to collaborate with the songstress herself, be sure to go view her page and some of the entries to it so far. Loving all this momentum she has going on, it inspired a write up for a much deserving body of work. Even just a sampler bit of Sequoyah is more satiating than anyone else’s full length offering.

If you want to catch up on all she has going on then click right here for all her official content links in one place. A true healer in real life, she also offers Hypnosis, Energy Readings, and Tarot Sessions as services outside her artistic pursuits. A student of life’s teachings, it is in her nature to share thoughtfulness and wisdom with her presence. Be sure to consider her for this as well as her musical abilities. Now that you have a brief background on the artist, let’s bring it back to “3.'“ Since its release one month ago, it has been in constant rotation. Some how always finding my way back to playing this EP over and over again. In today’s musical landscape, there are not too many releases that are still getting played a month after its initial drop. This also makes it easy to sift out the true gems, which brings us to this very moment. You know gatekeeping is not our style over at the Weather Watcher Music Forecast, so let’s get into the breakdown.

1) Controlla

Sequoyah is direct with her love, it needs to be sincere and deeply rooted. Communicating her requirements and boundaries for cultivating this love. Love is a game not to be played by the faint of heart. As all is in fairness in both love and war, two sides of the same blade. How deep are you willing to be cut for it? Are you willing to bleed for it and wear it on your sleeve with pride? For the love we deserve can not be anything other than raw honesty. I don’t think anyone really understands what it means to have a soul mate. Sure, we all mix when you apply the pressure and force the contents against itself. However, we all won’t blend in the way we would like to think. It’s funny how naïve we are to it, much like a baker’s first time in the kitchen.

“I’ve been roaming, I’ve been rolling. I’ll drive that car like I stole it. I’m a controller babe, let me hold it babe. Told you I love it when you say my name.”

The intention can be there, we want to bake the most beautiful cake. You scurry to grab the ingredients you have been told to need and you go for it. Fast forward, you rushed mixing everything for your batter, estimated your measurements, make some substitutions out of compromise, and the final product is not quite what you expected. Things happen and you go with it, more time passes, and its time to take your cake out the oven. You have so much pride and attachment to this cake you have been working so hard on, even when things did not go your way. You pull it out and its not cake at all, its not even a treat of your own desire. What happened? Sequoyah begins to croon to the hopeless romantics on this one, imploring them to rise up against those dimming their light. You are worth more.

“Tell me something you never told a living soul. You call me patient. You’re not my doctor.”

To try endlessly giving yourself to another person who you were never meant to blend with can be the most defeating feeling. It takes time to learn how to do this in the first place, bonds have been solidified and your sense of security is alleviated by their presence. Time continues to run away from us and all of a sudden, you are pulled away to a strange place. This safe space is no longer such, it has you questioning was my love ever welcome here? What was once home becomes just a bed, it makes you miss the good days or what you had thought it been before your heart grew tired of waiting on cold feet.

Maybe I’m just crazy but still feel its not too much to ask for. Every time I asked for a sign of reassurance, it was met with denial. I must be tripping, you love me you once said. I’ll continue to be patient, eventually you’ll come along. Of course I’ll be understanding, we all deserve time, I don’t mind sacrificing some of mine for you. It’s what you do for someone you love, no? Am I asking myself these things because you don’t answer when I ask you anymore?

“I could be your lover your holy friend. So tell me where you want to go. Tell me cause I need to know.”

Was I ever what you wanted? Why come take this journey with me to the water and be hesitant to take that drink? If I’m only of convenience then set me free now. Don’t string me along, the world has plenty to offer and would hate to take that away from both parties by wondering what’s the point of it all if you aren’t all in. You don’t even have to meet me halfway, I’ll meet you three quarters of the way there. You got to give me something to work with, my cup doesn’t have anymore to share. I see you over there thriving and overflowing with it, pouring your extras into everyone else that hasn’t been right by your side without falter. They smile and laugh along with you as you all toast to the mutual love. If wanting a sip from your cup every now and then makes me a controller, then so be it. I may not be your preferred choice but you will always have my loyalty for as long as you allow me to give it.

I guess this is my queue to focus on myself, thank you for your time but I will be needing to take some back. This song is nostalgic and feels timeless, with notes of 60s psychedelic rock, soul, and r&b. There’s nothing it sounds like other than Sequoyah Fox, your first time listening will give you chills. The songwriting is meaningful and easy to digest.

2) FU

Realizing your worth tends to be the byproduct of inner turmoil. You got to go through it to get to it and its better late than ever. Don’t be afraid to speak your peace, honesty never hurt anybody. Maybe some bruised egos but you’ll be alright, you tough right? The bounce back looks good, wear it with pride. What you thought was worth crying over eventually becomes laughable. Nothing to be ashamed about, you gave your loyalty to someone who had no intention of holding on it for the rest of their lives. You may feel capable of doing so but don’t forget that it has to be mutual. Sequoyah takes the moment to talk her shit on this one after her moment of vulnerability.

“You told me you would never hurt me. You’d never desert me. You would never lie, it’s that girl, she’s the one flirting. Now I see you scheming, this crystal ball I’m reading. I don’t need no cards, it’s the energy I’m seeing.”

I’m not stupid, you used to act like you loved me back. At some point, it was you that wanted me most. Why would you bother if loneliness was your only reason for peaking interest. That’s fucked up, all those years, moments, and signs that did not make sense at the time. It all makes sense, it’s obvious you never knew what you wanted. I appreciate you trying to hold it down while the pieces were starting to fall apart but don’t hurt yourself, I got it. Sequoyah has a lot to get off her chest and does not hesitate to do so. Closure can come in many forms, don’t rely on someone else to get it. Find your own and stand on that.

“You got me so fucked up, heading for the door. You can keep it cause you need the love, you need the love, you need the love. He was melting like a demon, I loved you all four seasons. Cardi said it best, ‘what was the reason?’”

Just when things started clicking for me, learning how to love someone the way they require, you just had to flip the script. What was the reason?! All for what, pride? Some cheap company? This is our lives you are playing with. I know I wasn’t perfect but no one would ever be as understanding as I. Who else would extend their grace and make you look good whilst making themselves look bad. We were supposed to be on this ride together, how did I end up under this bus?

”I just wanna say you had the best, you got me so fucked up..… wishing you the best but you lost me so I wish you luck.”

I may lose my composure but that’s what happens when you lose pieces of yourself. So I release the pieces I’ve collected back unto where they come from. For that I may walk forward with grace and take the lesson that I was supposed to learn. Thank you for what worth remembering and may the peace be with you. I hold no resentment or wish any ill will upon you. I am who I am because of you and that version is stronger. The new chapter that is upon my horizon will be the one worth telling when you need an example of things gone right. The chapter that’s closing will be the one told of caution of what not to do. Both serve a purpose and that’s all there is to it.

If you can relate to any of these feelings, this may be your jam to boss up with. It’s a catchy tune that you can channel all that “fuck you” energy to the people who have played with your heart more than you deserved.

3) Retrograde

Every day is a blessing and we are to treat it as such for gratitude is the essence of all that is balanced in our experience. However, we are not our best days, just as much as we are not our worst moments. We are simply chimes, freely hanging, and going along with however the winds blows us this time. There are moments where we can be filled with so much ambition, limitless life, and inspiration. In turn, we find ourselves having the heaviest of thoughts that make us feel like we are stuck in the forceful grips of doubt. It takes the energy out of you just to even be awake, as much everyday is a battle.

“Don’t hate me if I don’t get out of bed today. I’ve got too many thoughts I need to take a break. Don’t hate me if I don’t respond to you for days.”

There’s no shame in having the days where it defeats you and all you can do is find solace in simply existing. I too find myself needing more alone time than the average human. Have no fear of the existential dread as Sequoyah is our guide out of this head space. Her comforting words spread like orange marmalade on your Sunday morning toast across the instrumental. She serenades us to reassure us that we are only human, who happen to feel things from time to time. Be kind to yourself.

“Don’t hate me if I don’t have the strength to hold the space. I went through ten major life events just today. Don’t hate me if I don’t have time for you, okay.”

The vibe is bouncy, your feelings are being validated, and that sunken place seems to feel less deep with every swing of the music. Take your moment to breathe, write your affirmations, think it out, and reassess the situation. Take the day to feel what you need to feel and the rest will become clear again. The present is all we can ever experience, what has happened or has yet to happen does not exist. In the same essence, the present is temporary and whatever is going on right now will too pass and cease to be your reality. So lick your wounds, wait until the stars begin to align in your favor, and be ready to jump through that window when it comes again. For now, don’t be ashamed to shut the blinds and sleep the day away until the bad vibes run their course. Life is tragedy and learning to cope with it can be exhausting. You are doing your best right now, soul, and that’s the best thing you can be doing right now. Even if you do not feel that is true.

“I’m looking back on things from two planets away. Don’t hate me if I am doing me today. Cause times are thick, six planet station retrograde. You could do, you could do better. That might be true but I’m blaming the cosmic weather.”

The vocal performance on this record continues to intensify and by the second half, you are completely uplifted by the melodies of the record. At the same time, your mind races on all your worries, collects them in one spot, and tells your brain to let them go. Right now is your focus, breathe in and out. Everyone is going through it, it’s in the atmosphere, beyond our control. Why worry so much about what you have control of? Let yourself be taken away. You spend day in and day out worrying, it does not mean anything is wrong with you. It’s the fact life be life-ing and it will takes it toll on anyone.

This perhaps being the strongest record of the three track EP, was a personal favorite although all of the records were enjoyable. Recently experiencing some lows in life has thrown the Weather Watcher for a loop but this song really has been keeping my motivation going. In your loneliest moments, this song reminds you that you are not alone and that it’s okay to not be okay. The fact that you can step back and own up to it just lets you know that things are going to work out!

Sonically the EP is anxiety reducing, comforting, and thought provoking. I felt myself dealing with real emotions and feelings, sorting them through my head, and offering more grace for myself when I am not being myself. There’s a motto that we got around the blog, “Life Happens, Music Helps.” When life happens, this is exactly the type of music we lean on to make the days feel less stressful. We are grateful to get to enjoy the EP “3.” and hope you enjoyed it as well. Find the Spotify streaming link down below.

Do not forget to support and follow Sequoyah down below and be ready for what she has next for y’all. We know you will not be disappointed! Now go update that playlist and end the year with them higher vibrations, you dig? Until next time, run it up!

— the weather watcher 🌦️🛰️


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