Bozzy - Tight Rope (Official Music Video)

What’s good y’all? Friday night, going into Saturday, is perfect for time to reflect on the day, your personal situation, or even your love life. All of which can be complex and trying of your own tolerance. It’s already a one handed juggle trying to stay afloat these days, add relationships and emotional clash to really top it off. Bozzy takes a moment to paint the visual for anyone who may be feeling overwhelmed with matters of the heart.

The visuals accompanied by the song, on all platforms, are for his latest single “Tight Rope.” The For//You Production brings it all to life for the viewer to digest. Filmed by Stu J the Vamp & Buddy Wireless, everything else for the record by Bozzy. Lyrics, beat production, audio engineering, mix/master, direction and video edit all done by Bozzy. A truly impressive feat.

“I feel like I’m falling way too deep for everything that you give me. My mind’s a blur when I don’t believe a god damn thing that you tell me. Just let it go, just let me know. You don’t have to walk on that tight rope.”

The video consists of Bozzy spending thought with himself and his thoughts. Taking the well needed time everyone deserves to find themselves again. Investing so much time and energy into another person can be draining. Especially if the investment isn’t wise to begin with. Hearing one thing, seeing another, hearing a new thing, and then acting like nothing was seen nor heard is a short game played. It’s not long until you begin to notice the patterns and start to question if this person just settling in this situation. It’s obvious that it’s difficult for them to appear just as happy as you. What exactly are you trying to maintain to fool me into thinking I’m “it” for you. The lingering pit in your stomach drug along in suspense can corrupt your thoughts hastily. It’s best to be up front and find out what’s the reason for the “hot then cold” treatment

“I know you got a lot on your plate. But a little confirmation would be great. I ain’t really that mad, I really understand.”

Its understood that trauma plays a factor but it’s up to that person to accept that responsibility. It is no one’s job to pick up the pieces destroyed by someone else. Communication in the slightest of ways goes a long way. If everyone was open from the jump about their headspace, then compromise could be easily found. Transparency in every way possible is important to avoid resentment and pent up annoyance. Take it upon yourself to offer that Avenue to acknowledge each other’s unsavory treatment and how it makes you feel. If then a connection can not be found, it’s best to remove yourself of that attachment. The one that binds your spirit to suffering.

“A lot of voices keep pulling me down. And I wonder how you gonna make it out. But you manage now doing without.”

It can drive you crazy when the other person seems to be more okay without you than you are without them. If that’s the case, then good for you. Your worth is so much more valuable and can be appraised higher than you once thought after finding the liberation. In the video, things start to look up for Bozzy as he realizes he’ll be good on his own. Don’t be too worried, if Bozzy can make it through a romantic turmoil and still retain self love then you can too. Allow yourself to feel the record as opposed to hearing it. I wouldn’t doubt if it doesn’t make you think of something you have felt before.

Go watch the video and give Bozzy a follow down below. A true artist.

— the weather watcher 🌦🛰


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